We spent four days in Beijing, gaining a better insight on China’s capital. The changes taking place in China are perfectly illustrated on this shopping street near our hotel as Western brands blend with traditional shops and restaurants.

More Photo of the Day posts from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and Vietnam
so after holidaying in china you only took picture of rural,historical places and old man! and many people would think china is a backward? where all the building,and skyscrapers in china beijing?
Thanks for commenting. Our blog documents our experiences as we travel the world. Beijing has a rich history and with only three days in the city, skyscrapers were not on our list of things to see. However, I’m certain you’ll see some skyscraper pictures when we visit Shanghai in a few days.
When we return from our travels, I’ll write more in depth about our experiences in China and my perceptions of the modern China you mention. Hope you’ll check back then!