Day 4: Ancient Rome

The columns of the Temple of Saturn (between 497-42 B.C.), the Arch of Septimius Severus (203 A.D.) and the Santi Luca e Martina church (625 A.D.) are some of the most famous sights of the ruins of the Roman Forum. For centuries, the Forum was the center of Rome. Today, major excavations and restoration projects are ongoing as the history of the once-great marketplace continues to reveal itself.

On the morning of our last day in Rome, we walked around the ancient part of the city. It’s a bit mind-blowing to think about walking the same streets and seeing the same sights as a society living 2,000 years ago. Roman architectural and construction methods were so advanced that some of the techniques lost during the Middle Ages, such as insulated glazing (double-pane windows), weren’t rediscovered until the 20th century.

The columns of the Temple of Saturn (between 497-42 B.C.), the Arch of Septimius Severus (203 A.D.) and the Santi Luca e Martina church (625 A.D.) are some of the most famous sights of the ruins of the Roman Forum. For centuries, the Forum was the center of Rome. Today, major excavations and restoration projects are ongoing as the history of the once-great marketplace continues to reveal itself.

The extravagant Altare della Patria is a relatively new monument, built between 1885 and 1911 to honor King Victor Emmanuel. It was controversial at the time of construction as it utilizes every architectural cliche of Roman construction aesthetics and was considered by many to be over the top. It also razed a Medieval-era neighborhood to clear a site directly at the fringe of the Roman Forum ruins.
The extravagant Altare della Patria is a relatively new monument, built between 1885 and 1911 to honor King Victor Emmanuel. It was controversial at the time of construction as it utilizes every architectural cliche of Roman construction aesthetics and was considered by many to be over the top. It also razed a Medieval-era neighborhood to clear a site directly at the fringe of the Roman Forum ruins.

A statue of Caesar stands along the ruins of the Trajan Forum. The dome of Santa Maria di Loreto, a 16th-century Catholic church, stands in the background.
A statue of Caesar stands along the ruins of the Trajan Forum. The dome of Santa Maria di Loreto, a 16th-century Catholic church, stands in the background.

Small brass plates have replaced 100 of the millions of cobblestones in the streets of Rome. They're part of a project by German artist Gunter Demnig to commemorate victims of the Holocaust. These two plaques were in front of the home where Alfredo Di Nola and Livia Seta lived when they were taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Demnig has set more than 48,000 plaques in 18 European countries, making it the world's largest memorial.
Small brass plates have replaced 100 of the millions of cobblestones in the streets of Rome. They’re part of a project by German artist Gunter Demnig to commemorate victims of the Holocaust. These two plaques were in front of the home where Alfredo Di Nola and Livia Seta lived when they were taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Demnig has set more than 48,000 plaques in 18 European countries, making it the world’s largest memorial.

More Photo of the Day posts from our January-March 2016 trip to Europe

Day 3: The Pope’s Place

The Vatican is more than the world headquarters for the Catholic Church. It's also home to a world-class collection of art from some of the great masters including Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Carvaggio and Raphael. Some of the most prolific work belongs to Rafael, including the four rooms of the Papal apartment known as the Stanze di Raffaello or Rafael Rooms. The rooms are covered in extravagant frescos detailing various tales from Christianity. Ceiling medallions such as this one, entitled "Poetry," depict some of the core tenants of the religion. The phrases held by the angels read "Touched by the Breath of God."

The Vatican is more than the world headquarters for the Catholic Church. It’s also home to a world-class collection of art from some of the great masters including Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Carvaggio and Raphael. Some of the most prolific work belongs to Rafael, including the four rooms of the Papal apartment known as the Stanze di Raffaello or Rafael Rooms.

The rooms are covered in extravagant frescos detailing various tales from Christianity. Ceiling medallions such as this one, entitled “Poetry,” depict some of the core tenants of the religion. The phrases held by the angels read “Touched by the Breath of God.”

A note on the Sistine Chapel: We walked through Michelangelo’s masterful works in the Sistine Chapel twice during our visit and it was as impressive as we are led to believe. Photos are prohibited in the chapel as it’s considered a place of worship. You can find tons of pictures online from people who ignore the no-photo rule. While not religious myself, I believe in respecting the sacred spaces of those who are, hence no Sistine Chapel photos in our collection.

Fontana dell'Acqua Paola, aptly nicknamed "The Big Fountain," sits atop the Giancolo hill near Trastevere. Built in 1612, it was the first major fountain on the Tiber Riber's left bank. We hiked up the hill early in the day, enjoying the sights of the churches and monuments of San Pietro in Montorio.
Fontana dell’Acqua Paola, aptly nicknamed “The Big Fountain,” sits atop the Giancolo hill near Trastevere. Built in 1612, it was the first major fountain on the Tiber Riber’s left bank. We hiked up the hill early in the day, enjoying the sights of the churches and monuments of San Pietro in Montorio.

Opposite the fountain, we had amazing views of Rome from St. Peter's Basilica to the Forum.
Opposite the fountain, we had amazing views of Rome from St. Peter’s Basilica to the Forum.

Atop Giancolo, we found a widespread tribute to Giuseppe Garibaldi, a 19th century Italian military hero and the namesake of a small seaside town in our home state! But even better, we found an espresso stand! Italy is the best!
Atop Giancolo, we found a widespread tribute to Giuseppe Garibaldi, a 19th century Italian military hero and the namesake of a small seaside town in our home state! But even better, we found an espresso stand! Italy is the best!

In the 1500s, Pope Gregory XVIII commissioned a priest/cartographer named Ignazio Dante to fill the 400 feet long hallway of the Belvedere Courtyard's third floor with maps featuring battles, waterways and detailed regional topography. The ceiling, painted by a group of artists, depicts scenes corresponding to each map.
In the 1500s, Pope Gregory XVIII commissioned a priest/cartographer named Ignazio Dante to fill the 400 feet long hallway of the Belvedere Courtyard’s third floor with maps featuring battles, waterways and detailed regional topography. The ceiling, painted by a group of artists, depicts scenes corresponding to each map.

The Belvedere Torso is one of the most important pieces in the Vatican collection. While the artist who carved it around 1 A.D. is relatively unknown, the piece had a huge influence on 16th century artists, in particular Michelangelo, who patterned the figures of many of the frescos in the Sistine Chapel off the sculpture.
The Belvedere Torso is one of the most important pieces in the Vatican collection. While the artist who carved it around 1 A.D. is relatively unknown, the piece had a huge influence on 16th century artists, in particular Michelangelo, who patterned the figures of many of the frescos in the Sistine Chapel off the sculpture.

A sculpture of river god Arno reclines in the Vatican's Octagonal Courtyard. The sculpture was originally carved in the second century, but restored and changed throughout the centuries by various artists. The current form is the result of Renaissance-era artists in the 16th century.
A sculpture of river god Arno reclines in the Vatican’s Octagonal Courtyard. The sculpture was originally carved in the second century, but restored and changed throughout the centuries by various artists. The current form is the result of Renaissance-era artists in the 16th century.

Transfiguration is the last work completed by Raphael before his death in 1520. It was taken by Napoleon's troops during their invasion of Italy in 1797 and installed in the Louvre. It was returned to the Vatican in 1815 where it has been displayed since.
Transfiguration is the last work completed by Raphael before his death in 1520. It was taken by Napoleon’s troops during their invasion of Italy in 1797 and installed in the Louvre. It was returned to the Vatican in 1815 where it has been displayed since.

A stained glass piece in the Vatican Museum.
A stained glass piece in the Vatican Museum.

Sphere Within a Sphere, a modern piece by Arnaldo Pomodoro, sits in the Belvedere Courtyard. St. Peter's Basilica can be seen in the distance. The sphere was originally designed for the Vatican in 1990 and has been duplicated for installations around the world.
Sphere Within a Sphere, a modern piece by Arnaldo Pomodoro, sits in the Belvedere Courtyard. St. Peter’s Basilica can be seen in the distance. The sphere was originally designed for the Vatican in 1990 and has been duplicated for installations around the world.

The aptly named Hall of Busts contains an impressive collection of famous faces from the empires of ancient Greece and Rome.
The aptly named Hall of Busts contains an impressive collection of famous faces from the empires of ancient Greece and Rome.

The exit of the Vatican Museum takes you down a steep spiral staircase (really it's a ramp with speed bumps). Most folks took pictures from the top looking down, but the view looking up was quite stunning.
The exit of the Vatican Museum takes you down a steep spiral staircase (really it’s a ramp with speed bumps). Most folks took pictures from the top looking down, but the view looking up was quite stunning.

Four hours in the Vatican Museum (including two trips through the Sistine Chapel) looks like this...
Four hours in the Vatican Museum (including two trips through the Sistine Chapel) looks like this…

We searched far and wide for Rome's best gelato and found it a short walk from the Vatican. Lemongrass has a philosophy about its ice cream that includes touting the nutritive qualities of its natural flavors. It played out in the amazing, Roman-influenced flavors like this mixture of bacio (like Nutella!), gianduja and pistachio.
We searched far and wide for Rome’s best gelato and found it a short walk from the Vatican. Lemongrass has a philosophy about its ice cream that includes touting the nutritive qualities of its natural flavors. It played out in the amazing, Roman-influenced flavors like this mixture of bacio (like Nutella!), gianduja and pistachio.

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Day 2: When in Rome

On our second day in Rome, we visited the famous Trevi Fountain. The 86-foot tall fountain was built in the 1700s as part of a design competition sponsored by Pope Clement XII, a popular Baroque-era method for designing the magnificent structures of Rome. The fountain took more than 30 years to complete and the architect, Nicola Salvi, died before it was completed.

On our second day in Rome, we tried to visit as many of the must-sees as we could, including the famous Trevi Fountain.

The 86-foot tall fountain was built in the 1700s as part of a design competition sponsored by Pope Clement XII, a popular Baroque-era method for designing the magnificent structures of Rome. The fountain took more than 30 years to complete and the architect, Nicola Salvi, died before it was finished.

It’s estimated that more than 3,000 euros are thrown into the fountain every day. The funds have been used to build a supermarket offering basic items for free to families in need.

Pope Francis greets the Vatican cardinals following his weekly Wednesday audience with the general public. After the service, the Pope waded into the crowd as they chanted his name.
Pope Francis greets the Vatican cardinals following his weekly Wednesday audience with the general public. After the service, the Pope waded into the crowd as they chanted his name.

The crowd begins to disperse in front of the Vatican's St. Peter's Square following Pope Francis's weekly audience.
The crowd begins to disperse in front of the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Square following Pope Francis’s weekly audience.

St. Peter's Basilica as seen from Via Dei Corridori. I love the optical illusion of the street lamps "bending" down the street.
St. Peter’s Basilica as seen from Via Dei Corridori. I love the optical illusion of the street lamps “bending” down the street.

One of the angel statues lining the Ponte Sant'Angelo bridge leading to the Castle of St. Angelo. The castle was built in the second century as a mausoleum for the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Over the last 2,000 years, it's served as a military fortress, an emergency Papal residence, a prison and now as a museum.
One of the angel statues lining the Ponte Sant’Angelo bridge leading to the Castle of St. Angelo. The castle was built in the second century as a mausoleum for the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Over the last 2,000 years, it’s served as a military fortress, an emergency Papal residence, a prison and now as a museum.

Built in the 1700s, the Spanish Steps link the Trinità dei Monti church to the Plaza of the Spanish Embassy to the Vatican at street level. Usually a popular hang out space for Romans and tourists alike, the steps are currently closed for restoration due to wear and tear from all those tourists. Luxury jewelry brand Bulgari is footing the bulk of the restoration bill.
Built in the 1700s, the Spanish Steps link the Trinità dei Monti church to the Plaza of the Spanish Embassy to the Vatican at street level. Usually a popular hang out space for Romans and tourists alike, the steps are currently closed for restoration due to wear and tear from all those tourists. Luxury jewelry brand Bulgari is footing the bulk of the restoration bill.

Trinità dei Monti is an excellent example of Italian Renaissance architecture. During Napoleon's occupation of Rome, many of the church's adornments were damaged or looted. The church was restored at the expense of French King Louis XVIII in 1816. Among the works inside is this sculpture called Deposition by German sculptor Wilhelm Achtermann depicting the descent of Jesus from the cross.
Trinità dei Monti is an excellent example of Italian Renaissance architecture. During Napoleon’s occupation of Rome, many of the church’s adornments were damaged or looted. The church was restored at the expense of French King Louis XVIII in 1816. Among the works inside is this sculpture called Deposition by German sculptor Wilhelm Achtermann depicting the descent of Jesus from the cross.

The streets of Italy's largest city are still paved in cobblestone. Locally, the stones are known as "SanPietrini," or "Little St. Peters." The name most likely came from the stones first appearing in St. Peter's Square, but local legend says there's one cobblestone for every soul saved by St. Peter. If that's the case, that's a lot of souls!
The streets of Italy’s largest city are still paved in cobblestone. Locally, the stones are known as “SanPietrini,” or “Little St. Peters.” The name most likely came from the stones first appearing in St. Peter’s Square, but local legend says there’s one cobblestone for every soul saved by St. Peter. If that’s the case, that’s a lot of souls!

A typical Rome apartment building. The disrepair of the outside is quite beautiful, fitting into the rustic look that dominates this ancient city.
A typical Rome apartment building. The disrepair of the outside is quite beautiful, fitting into the rustic look that dominates this ancient city.

A restored Italian coupe parked in an alley in the Trastevere neighborhood. The district retained its distinct old world charm due in part to its separation from the rest of Rome by the Tiber River.
A restored Italian coupe parked in an alley in the Trastevere neighborhood. The district retained its distinct old world charm due in part to its separation from the rest of Rome by the Tiber River.

Closing time in a shop near the Campo de' Fiori market.
Closing time in a shop near the Campo de’ Fiori market.

More Photo of the Day posts from our January-March 2016 trip to Europe

Day 1: Benvenuto a Roma

Rome's Colosseum was built in the first century A.D., holding an estimated 80,000 spectators for gladiator flights, war reenactment and other entertainment events. On a cold January night nearly 2,000 years later, just a few of us sat along the stone rail at the end of Via Del Serpenti to enjoy the architectural marvel in all its splendor.

It took 17 hours to leave the bone-chilling cold wave in Tokyo behind. After a brief layover in Doha, Qatar, we arrived in Rome to get our 40-something day adventure through Europe underway. And we wasted no time in getting started!

Rome’s Colosseum was built in the first century A.D., holding an estimated 80,000 spectators for gladiator flights, war reenactment and other entertainment events. On a cold January night nearly 2,000 years later, just a few of us sat along the stone rail at the end of Via Del Serpenti to enjoy the architectural marvel in all its splendor.

The Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere is one of Rome's oldest churches. The public square in front of the church is one of the charming Trastevere districts liveliest community spaces.
The Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere is one of Rome’s oldest churches. The public square in front of the church is one of the charming Trastevere districts liveliest community spaces.

The afternoon sun made the bright earth tones of Rome's buildings glow as we crossed the Ponte Sisto bridge. I especially liked the cast of the long shadows, including the "BAR" sign on the wall opposite the alley.
The afternoon sun made the bright earth tones of Rome’s buildings glow as we crossed the Ponte Sisto bridge. I especially liked the cast of the long shadows, including the “BAR” sign on the wall opposite the alley.

The Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of Four Rivers) stands at the middle of Piazza Navona, a 15th century public square. Sant'Agnese in Agone, a 17th century Baroque church, soaks up the setting sun in the background.
The Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of Four Rivers) stands at the middle of Piazza Navona, a 15th century public square. Sant’Agnese in Agone, a 17th century Baroque church, soaks up the setting sun in the background.

The Pantheon is one of Rome's most famous architectural masterpieces... and that's saying something for a city full of them. It's been in continuous use since its completion in 128 A.D., serving as a Catholic Church since the seventh century and still holding regular services today. The rotunda is its most recognizable feature and is the largest I reinforced concrete dome in the world.
The Pantheon is one of Rome’s most famous architectural masterpieces… and that’s saying something for a city full of them. It’s been in continuous use since its completion in 128 A.D., serving as a Catholic Church since the seventh century and still holding regular services today. The rotunda is its most recognizable feature and is the largest I reinforced concrete dome in the world.

More Photo of the Day posts from our January-March 2016 trip to Europe

Yokohama in Pictures

Yokohama's iconic Landmark Tower at dusk

Yokohama is one of my favorite Japanese cities. Its unique development from the influx of foreign traders—Chinese, Americans and British in particular—give the port city a different ambience from its giant neighbor of Tokyo.

We hosted family for a short visit last week and immediately put Yokohama on the itinerary. Despite being bone-chilling cold, the sun was shining and we had some great light at dusk, leading to some inspiring photos. Enjoy Yokohama in Pictures…

The Cosmo Clock 21 in the Minato Mirai 21 district was the world's largest ferris wheel when built in 1989.
The Cosmo Clock 21 in the Minato Mirai 21 district was the world’s largest ferris wheel when built in 1989.

A few brave riders take on the Disko ride at Yokohama's Cosmo World amusement park
A few brave riders take on the Disko ride at Yokohama’s Cosmo World amusement park

Cosmo Clock 21 frames the Ice World attraction at Cosmo World amusement park in Yokohama's Minato Mirai 21 district
Cosmo Clock 21 frames the Ice World attraction at Cosmo World amusement park in Yokohama’s Minato Mirai 21 district

Yokohama Bay's industrial area at dusk
Yokohama’s industrial area on Tokyo Bay at dusk

The Yokohama Bay Bridge spans Tokyo Bay
The Yokohama Bay Bridge spans Tokyo Bay

Yokohama's Red Brick Warehouse at dusk
Yokohama’s Red Brick Warehouse at dusk

The Yokohama Skyline—Red Brick Warehouse, Landmark Tower, Minato Mirai 21 and the Yokohama Grand Hotel
The Yokohama Skyline—Red Brick Warehouse, Landmark Tower, Minato Mirai 21 and the Yokohama Grand Hotel

The glowing facade of the Red Brick Warehouse after sunset
The glowing facade of the Red Brick Warehouse after sunset

The blue lights of the Yokohama Bay Bridge deep in the background of the Red Brick Warehouse
The blue lights of the Yokohama Bay Bridge deep in the background of the Red Brick Warehouse

Friday night family fun at the Red Brick Warehouse ice skating rink. The tower of the Yokohama Customs Museum is illuminated in the background.
Friday night family fun at the Red Brick Warehouse ice skating rink. The tower of the Yokohama Customs Museum is illuminated in the background.

The colorful streets of Yokohama's Chinatown
The colorful streets of Yokohama’s Chinatown

Fukahire Man, a masked wrestler mascot for the Kouseiwa restaurant in Yokohama's Chinatown. His head is shaped like the famous steamed buns you'll find around town.
Fukahire Man, a masked wrestler mascot for the Kouseiwa restaurant in Yokohama’s Chinatown. His head is shaped like the famous steamed buns you’ll find around town.

The bright lights and ornate decorations of Yokohama's Chinatown
The bright lights and ornate decorations of Yokohama’s Chinatown

Siem Reap

Posts about our December 2015-January 2016 trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia

The northwestern Cambodian province of Siem Reap is a model of synergy. On one hand, it’s a resort town built for tourists. Pubs, palate-friendly restaurants and cheap souvenirs abound. On the other hand, it’s a living, breathing walk through history of a powerful kingdom. Yet, neither would likely exist today without the other.

A brief history of Cambodia

As usual, I was surprised by how little I knew about our destination before arriving. During one of our days by the pool, I found a book that helped change that. Alive in the Killing Fields was written by a survivor of the Khmer Rouge era. Coincidentally, when he emigrated to America, he ended up in Oregon; first sponsored by a dentist in Salem and eventually graduating from high school in Oregon City.

The South Gate of Angkor Thom, the ancient Khmer capital city. At its height in the 12th and 13th centuries, the city was believed to be home to 80,000–150,000 people.
The South Gate of Angkor Thom, the ancient Khmer capital city. At its height in the 12th and 13th centuries, the city was believed to be home to 80,000–150,000 people.

The Kingdom of Cambodia has a long, sometimes tragic history. From 800-1400 A.D., Cambodia was the center of Southeast Asia. The Khmer Empire, heavily influenced by Indian and Hindu culture, literally built a large society, constructing hundreds of ornate temples dedicated to the various Hindu gods. King Jayavarman VII was the most active—Lonely Planet calls him the Donald Trump of temple building—with the construction of some of Cambodia’s most famous temples, including Ta Prohm and the ancient capital city of Angkor Thom.

In the 1400s, Cambodia was overrun by the Ayutthaya Kingdom from modern-day Thailand, beginning 600 years of foreign control over the Khmer people. Under the Ayutthaya, Cambodia’s hill tribes were hunted and enslaved. In the 1800s, France began its colonization of Southeast Asia, installing governments in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia under the umbrella of French Indochina.

French control lasted until 1953 when Cambodia re-established its independence under the young King Norodom Sihanouk. It was short-lived. In the 1960s, Cambodia allowed North Vietnam to use land to assist the Communist war effort in South Vietnam. The policy was unpopular among the people and eventually led to U.S. bombings on Cambodian soil.

A military coup in 1970 led to not only the ouster of Sihanouk, but also the rise of the Khmer Rouge and the darkest period in Cambodia’s history. For nearly two decades, the brutal Khmer Rouge, led by former military leader Pol Pot, forced Cambodians into slave labor under the guise of Communism. Starvation was rampant. The Khmer Rogue killed indiscriminately—men, women, children—often for no reason.

The worst of it occurred in 1979-80 when more than 300,000 Cambodians died of starvation. In all, an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians died under the reign of the Khmer Rouge, approximately 21 percent of the country’s population.

In 1978, the North Vietnamese liberated Cambodia, installing a government that combined Hanoi’s Communist government with less-extreme components of the Khmer Rogue leadership. Yet it wasn’t until Pol Pot’s death in 1998 that the country truly began to heal.

Today, Cambodia is officially called a democracy, but is still dominated by the Cambodian People’s Party—the original Communist party that still maintains its Communist-style structure.

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Discovering the Temples of Angkor

Western Europeans have a long history of “discovering” things that weren’t lost in the first place. When a French explorer “discovered” Angkor Wat in the 19th century, the site was functioning as a monastery for Buddhist monks. Japanese Buddhists had been making pilgrimages to Angkor since the 17th century—although they thought they were in India, not Cambodia.

Yet, it was foreign investment and restoration efforts that brought the temples back to life. While the structures were never truly left for dead, the jungle had done its best to reclaim the temples. Archeologists and restoration experts made the wise choice to leave the tree roots in place, both in keeping the structures from crumbling further but also retaining the unique aesthetic quality of the temples.

UNESCO’s involvement in the Angkor Archaeological Park has led to a large, multinational effort to not only restore the temples and other artifacts of the 400 km2 kingdom, but also to make the sites safe for archeologists and tourists to explore. During the Khmer Rouge’s reign of terror, landmines were buried in and around many of the ruins. In the 1990s, millions of square meters of Cambodian land were swept and cleared of landmines. But, even today, tourists are warned not to stray from marked paths. More than 40,000 Cambodians have suffered an amputation related to landmines; many of whom now work in and around the temples.

The “Real” Siem Reap

Chasing authenticity in travel can be a tricky thing. What is the “real” Siem Reap? Is it the stilted houses on the rice paddies in the countryside? Or is it the lively city center where the tourists outnumber the locals? The two million tourists that visit Siem Reap annually account for more than half of Cambodia’s total. Tourism jobs make up more than 50 percent of Siem Reap’s employment.

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It’s easy enough to find more local experiences. Our hostel was about 10 minutes outside the city center, next to a large indoor/outdoor market that catered to the local community. I could count on one hand the other foreigners I passed while walking through the market. Unlike the city center where foreigners are walking dollar signs, nobody seemed to care I was there, otherwise occupied with the daily business of buying and selling.

Along the road to the temples, we saw several food stands meant for locals traveling the roads, things like krolan (sticky rice in a bamboo tube), fruits and vegetables. The roads to the temples were lined with vendors selling locally made products targeted at the tourists. We stopped at one such place, beating the tourist bus by a few minutes. We were allowed to see the home behind the stands and meet the family that lived and worked there. It’s those moments that are the reasons we travel.

Siem Reap Travel Tips

Buying Tickets

Tickets are required for most of Angkor’s temples. You can purchase a one-day, three-day or seven-day pass at the Angkor ticket office. The three-day pass, which can be used on any three days in a seven-day period, was plenty for us to see all the major temples and a few of the smaller ones. As of January 2016, the three-day pass was $40 USD per person.

If you purchase your tickets after 5 p.m., you can enter the park that evening without using one of your ticket days. It’s a good way to see the sunset on the face of Angkor Wat or from the top of Phnom Bakheng or Pre Rup.

Stage 2 of the Angkor Wat sunrise. It's worth sticking around for, plus it's a good way to pass the time while waiting for the temple to open.
Stage 2 of the Angkor Wat sunrise. It’s worth sticking around for, plus it’s a good way to pass the time while waiting for the temple to open.

Sunrise at Angkor Wat

The sunrise at Angkor Wat is where you get “that photo.” You have to get there early (like 5 a.m. early) to get a clear shot of temple, so you might want to arrange a tuk tuk the night before and bring a headlamp or flashlight. It’s about a 10 minute walk from the road to the ponds where you’ll watch the sunrise, so plan accordingly.

In front of the crowd for sunrise at Angkor Wat.
In front of the crowd for sunrise at Angkor Wat.

Once inside the temple complex, head for the north pond (on the left nearest the restaurants) and try to get as close to the front as possible. Then you wait. The first photo opportunity comes as the rising sun lights up the morning sky behind the temple. Wait a little while longer and the sun itself will begin to appear behind the temple’s towers.

Angkor Wat doesn’t open to tourists for another hour, so take your time with the sunrise and then grab a bite to eat at one of the onsite restaurants. The big tour groups will go back to their hotels for breakfast, leaving the temple much less crowded in the morning than later in the day.


If I’m being honest, the sunsets in Siem Reap are a bit overrated. If you ask the tuk tuk drivers to take you, you’ll be dropped at Phnom Bakheng. You have to hike up to the top mountain with a few hundred of your closest friends. If you arrive early in the afternoon and are OK with camping out for a few hours, you can go to the top of the temple to see the sunset and catch a glimpse of Angkor Wat. Otherwise, you’ll be squeezing in to see the sunset over the jungle through some trees. After hiking back down, you’ll have the unenviable task of finding your tuk tuk driver in the dark among the hundreds of lookalike tuk tuks.

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The sunset at Pre Rup was much nicer. It’s still setting over the jungle, but it’s a lot less crowded and can be coupled with a late afternoon tour of the temple ruins.

A free apsara dance performance at the Temple Balcony on Pub Street.
A free apsara dance performance at the Temple Balcony on Pub Street.

Apsara Dancing

Head to TripAdvisor and search for “Apsara”—the common name for traditional Cambodian dance—and you’ll find a bunch of reviews for bad buffets offering a dance performance for $10-$25 USD. Skip it and head to the Temple Balcony on Pub Street. Every night at 7:30 p.m.-ish, they offer an entertaining and free dance show that lasts about an hour. All you have to do is order some snacks or drinks. As tempting as the cushioned seats by the street are, try to sit toward the stage if you want to actually watch the show.

Eats, Drinks and Activities

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The area around the Old Market and Pub Street is packed with both Khmer food and Western alternatives. The food is OK, but we found our favorite places around the edges of the city center.

My Little Cafe (map)
Large menu with lots of Khmer food at much lower prices than in the city center. Great vegetarian menu as well. Good way to try a few local specialties without breaking the bank.

Peace Cafe (map)
A vegetarian cafe offering Khmer food, a few Asian and Western options, a large juice menu and a small shop with locally-made products. The amok was my favorite of any we tried in Siem Reap—and we tried a lot! They also have cooking classes and yoga classes in their studio upstairs. Note: The current location is on River Road. One tuk tuk driver took us to the old location, which happens to be across the street from another vegetarian restaurant, Banlle.

Haven Training Restaurant (map)
A few minutes east of the city center across the river is Haven, a training restaurant for “vulnerable young adults” run by a Swiss couple who genuinely cares about both their employees and the quality of the food they put out. The menu is an eccentric mix of Khmer specialties, Western food and a few Swiss classics. While not exclusively vegetarian, the owner is vegan and the menu is clearly marked with veg options. The vegetarian amok was excellent and the pumpkin veggie burger was both unique and delicious.

Little Red Fox Espresso (map)
An Australian-style espresso cafe between the Provincial Hospital and Children’s Hospital. Best coffee in town, air conditioned and quiet. Small food menu as well.

Blue Pumpkin (map)
Housemade ice cream, sweets and more with a couple locations around town. The brownies are amazing!

Made in Cambodia Market (map)
If you want souvenirs, but are tired of the hustlers in the Old Market, check out the Made in Cambodia Market. Held four times a week in the courtyard of the Shinta Mani Resort, it feels more like a local farmers market (minus the produce). Artisans bring their products to sell and sample (watch out for the Sombai rice wine samples… she’s generous with the pours!), a few food stalls offer a quick bite and live music/dancing will provide some entertainment.

Swimming (Hotels around town)
Hostel doesn’t have a swimming pool? No sweat! Many of the hotels around town offer day-use of their pools for a reasonable fee. Somadevi Angkor Hotel Spa has a nice pool with a few lounge chairs and towels for $8 per person. Next door, the Prince D’Angkor Hotel provides access to the pool, fitness center, hot/cold tubs and sauna for $10 per person. Check the deck for open chairs before you pay!

Seeing Hands Massage 4 (map)
Seeing Hands Massage helps people from Cambodia’s blind community learn the art of shiatsu massage. The center aims to give people opportunities to earn an independent living both as masseuses and as small business owners. One hour for $7 USD and rarely a wait!

Funny Money

Cambodia’s preferred currency is the U.S. dollar, although it uses local currency for change. We usually withdrawal money from ATMs when we travel vs. carrying large sums and exchanging at the airport. However, the ATMs charge a $5 service fee per transaction, so plan accordingly.


Day 7: Farewell Cambodia

Phsa Leu Market in Siem Reap, Cambodia

On our first day in Siem Reap, we visited Phsar Chas (the Old Market), a local market established in the early 1900s that now caters exclusively to the tourists who flock to the city center. Another market, Phsar Leu, was located a few hundred feet from our hotel and very much NOT targeted at tourists. Seemed a great way to bookend our trip with a visit on our last day in country.

The locals-only market overflowed with fresh fruits and vegetables. Agriculture is an important part of Cambodia’s economy, making up nearly 90 percent of the country’s GDP.

The further back from the main road I went, the more real it became. Vendors butchered meat right in their stalls. The heads and legs of pigs dangled from the eaves. A woman went to work with a butcher knife, skillfully disassembling a large portion of meat. Live fish jumped from their shallow buckets seeking freedom to no avail.

The indoor portion of the market was much less harrowing. Electronics, home goods, clothing and more were packed into the narrow aisles. A large gold jewelry market filled the center of the market. Vendors passed the time between customers by napping, watching YouTube videos and playing games on their smartphones. It IS 2016 after all!


A group of vegetable vendors prepare an order for a customer.
A group of vegetable vendors prepare an order for a customer.

A market-goer inspects a large vine of grapes.
A market-goer inspects a large vine of grapes.

A butcher catches up on paperwork as her raw product hangs all around her.
A butcher catches up on paperwork as her raw product hangs all around her.

A boy mans a booth selling a literal mountain of purses. Most of the stalls were well organized, but a couple just piled their wares for all to see.
A boy mans a booth selling a literal mountain of purses. Most of the stalls were well organized, but a couple just piled their wares for all to see.

A t-shirt hanging in one of the booths inside Phsa Leu market says "You Can't Afford Me."
A t-shirt hanging in one of the booths inside Phsa Leu market says “You Can’t Afford Me.”

Our flight left Siem Reap shortly before 11 p.m. with a five hour layover in Shanghai in the middle of the night. We went from temperatures in the 90s to temperatures in the 40s in just a few hours. This is what 4:30 a.m. in Shanghai looks like... It ain't pretty!
Our flight left Siem Reap shortly before 11 p.m. with a five hour layover in Shanghai in the middle of the night. We went from temperatures in the 90s to temperatures in the 40s in just a few hours. This is what 4:30 a.m. in Shanghai looks like… It ain’t pretty!

More Photo of the Day posts from our December 2015-January 2016 trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia

Day 6: The Night Before

An apsara dancer performs at Temple Balcony on Siem Reap's Pub Street

Day 6 in Siem Reap was enjoyed poolside, reading books, snacking and relaxing in the sun. None of the 10 photos taken today were particularly interesting, so here’s a couple that missed the late-night cut yesterday.

Khmer classical dance is a popular tourist attraction. Many of the hotels offer a show and buffet in an attempt to draw in tourists. The Temple Bar on Pub Street presents a free show every night at 7:45 p.m. on its second-floor Temple Balcony.

The dance is more commonly called “apsara,” named for the dancing female figures carved into the bas-reliefs in many of the Angkor temples. The dance group at Temple performed several different classical dances over the course of an hour.

Looking down at Pub Street from the comfort of Temple Balcony. A great place for people watching!
Looking down at Pub Street from the comfort of Temple Balcony. A great place for people watching!

The bridge over the Siem Reap River on Hospital Street is lit up by lighted cords like you might decorate your home with during the holidays. It's a festive entrance to the lively city center.
The bridge over the Siem Reap River on Hospital Street is lit up by lighted cords like you might decorate your home with during the holidays. It’s a festive entrance to the lively city center.

More Photo of the Day posts from our December 2015-January 2016 trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia

Day 5: Temple Hopping

On day 5, we returned to Ta Prohmーthe Tomb Raider templeーa second time, leaving our hostel early to try and beat the crowds. While it was still busy, we were able to find a few moments of silence and tourist-free photo opportunities with the great morning light.

On day 5, we returned to Ta Prohmーthe Tomb Raider templeーa second time, leaving our hostel early to try and beat the crowds. While it was still busy, we were able to find a few moments of silence and tourist-free photo opportunities with the great morning light.

The Crocodile Tree at Ta Prohm from the side.
The Crocodile Tree at Ta Prohm from the side.

After arriving at Ta Prohm, the tour guides take the groups directly inside the temple. This morning, we walked around the outside of the temple first, seeing things we missed on our own tour in relative peace and quiet.
After arriving at Ta Prohm, the tour guides take the groups directly inside the temple. This morning, we walked around the outside of the temple first, seeing things we missed on our own tour in relative peace and quiet.

The Spung trees that destroyed the temple over the last several hundred years are now maintained as part of the restoration. This giant root structure is supported by scaffolding to ensure it doesn't collapse.
The Spung trees that destroyed the temple over the last several hundred years are now maintained as part of the restoration. This giant root structure is supported by scaffolding to ensure it doesn’t collapse.

Workers clear fallen leaves from the path, kicking up a cloud of dust that caught the rays of the morning sun.
Workers clear fallen leaves from the path, kicking up a cloud of dust that caught the rays of the morning sun.

Sra Srang is nicknamed the King's Swimming Pool. The 800x400 meter basin was used exclusively by King Jayavarman VII and his court.
Sra Srang is nicknamed the King’s Swimming Pool. The 800×400 meter basin was used exclusively by King Jayavarman VII and his court.

Looking through the sandstone doorway into Eastern Mebon temple. The towers were once covered in white plaster, which would have made them glow in the Cambodian sun.
Looking through the sandstone doorway into Eastern Mebon temple. The towers were once covered in white plaster, which would have made them glow in the Cambodian sun.

Stone elephant statues sit at each of the four corners of Eastern Mebon temple. The statues are still in excellent condition, rare in Angkor due to plundering by explorers, vandalism by other religious and political sects and various wars.
Stone elephant statues sit at each of the four corners of Eastern Mebon temple. The statues are still in excellent condition, rare in Angkor due to plundering by explorers, vandalism by other religious and political sects and various wars.

Ta Som, another 12th century temple built during the reign of King Jayavarman VII, is regarded as a mini Ta Prohm thanks to its Spung-wrapped east entrance.
Ta Som, another 12th century temple built during the reign of King Jayavarman VII, is regarded as a mini Ta Prohm thanks to its Spung-wrapped east entrance.

More Photo of the Day posts from our December 2015-January 2016 trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia

Day 4: Holiday from Holiday

Sunday is the day of rest, especially for these weary travelers. We spent much of day 4 alongside the pool at Somadevi Angkor Hotel and Spa. Just a few bucks will get you full access to the pool, lounge and swim-up bar.

Sunday is the day of rest, especially for these weary travelers. We spent much of day 4 alongside the pool at Somadevi Angkor Hotel and Spa. Just a few bucks will get you full access to the pool, lounge and swim-up bar.

Part of our lunch at My Little Cafe. The small shop had a big menu with equally big flavors. We had spring rolls, papaya salad, a bitter melon soup and Lok Lak (not shown). Really enjoying the food in Cambodia so far.
Part of our lunch at My Little Cafe. The small shop had a big menu with equally big flavors. We had spring rolls, papaya salad, a bitter melon soup and Lok Lak (not shown). Really enjoying the food in Cambodia so far.

The Made in Cambodia market is hosted on the grounds of Shinta Mani Resort. The market features amazing work from local artisans, a few food carts and live music and dance performances a few times a week.
The Made in Cambodia market is hosted on the grounds of Shinta Mani Resort. The market features amazing work from local artisans, a few food carts and live music and dance performances a few times a week.

I swear we don't go looking for craft beer; it finds us! In a city of cheap (albeit refreshing) beer, we were shocked to run across Siem Reap Brewpub at the Made in Cambodia Market. And at $1.50 USD a glass no less! We tried the Dark Ale, IPA and Golden Ale... All quite good!
I swear we don’t go looking for craft beer; it finds us! In a city of cheap (albeit refreshing) beer, we were shocked to run across Siem Reap Brewpub at the Made in Cambodia Market. And at $1.50 USD a glass no less! We tried the Dark Ale, IPA and Golden Ale… All quite good!

Local rice spirits distiller Sombai was on hand, pouring samples of their delicious infused adult beverages. Maybe it was the thin crowd, but the lady worked through all eight flavors, leaving us a little light on our feet after the beers.
Local rice spirits distiller Sombai was on hand, pouring samples of their delicious infused adult beverages. Maybe it was the thin crowd, but the lady worked through all eight flavors, leaving us a little light on our feet after the beers.

If this is as close as we get to the aptly-named tourist hangout of Pub Street, that might be okay. Although we have to try the place Angelina Jolie hung out when shooting Tomb Raider, right?
If this is as close as we get to the aptly-named tourist hangout of Pub Street, that might be okay. Although we have to try the place Angelina Jolie hung out when shooting Tomb Raider, right?

More Photo of the Day posts from our December 2015-January 2016 trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia