Lamma Island is only a short ferry ride from Hong Kong’s bustling Central District, but offers a much more laid-back vibe. There are two main villages on the island; the southern village of Sok Kwu Wan (pictured) is home to Hong Kong’s farm fishing industry and several popular seafood restaurants.
Fishermen greet the ferries in the northern village of Yung Shue Wan. The village is full of tourist shops and restaurants, but also homes and daily-need shops, like hardware stores. While walking through the streets, I thought it must be odd to share space in your daily life with hundreds of tourists every day, but such is life on Lamma.Rapunzel found herself tangled in a tree at a Lamma Island hat shop.The easy-to-follow path around Lamma Island is about four miles (seven kilometers) and passes two beaches. The first one was packed with tourists, but our patience paid off as the second had fewer people, nice shade and great swimming.I’m kind of a nerd for modern windmills, so I was pretty excited that Lamma Winds, Hong King’s first wind turbine, was open to the public. It was a bit like a horror movie standing directly below the blades as they came slashing down. While the logical part of my brain knew they weren’t going to hit me, the personal safety part of my brain got my pulse racing a bit. Also, the name Lamma Winds sounds like it should belong to a casino.Tillamook Cheese, made on the Oregon coast for more than 100 years, is pretty popular across the U.S., but it’s still a surprise to see it abroad. We found a nice selection at one of the many international grocery stores in the downtown area. The little loaves were between $5.50-6.00 U.S.
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